HAY: How Are You? (Formerly known as Ministry of Moans)
How Are You? A standard throwaway question we ask so casually, with answers so brief, so remote from the truth worming around inside us, you wonder why we bother. These days, we’re taking our time, asking and answering this question with a little more care.
HAY is a multi-disciplinary performance which will put this question to the community with the weight and time it deserves. These stories, feelings, moans and outbursts have been collected from around Hastings and St Leonards, then harvested and fed to our giant thoughtful worms, who will help us rustle together a soothing combination of live art experience including theatre, puppetry, live and recorded sound, and animation.
HAY is devised and produced by Reshuffle, a collective of local performers, musicians, visual artists and designers who have come together to question current political and social acceptances, while avoiding an unhelpful reliance on institutions that monopolise the arts. In doing so, the aim is to make work as local and accessible as possible, facilitate the expression of thoughts, feelings and difficult conversations, challenge the status quo, and most importantly, create a bit of wonderment. '
Below is information on the previous plan for the Minisitry of Moans.

A one day multi-disciplinary arts project aimed at transforming everyday people's everyday moans into something beautiful, thought provoking and harmonious.
These are troubling times. Here at the Ministry, we understand that people are feeling alienated from their elected officials in Government. We appreciate that the concerns of the people of St Leonards are not being heard. No more!
The Ministry of Moans is an all-new Department tasked with collecting, collating and cataloguing every citizen’s every complaint! From mundane to massive, we are ‘Here to Hear!'
Our Ministers will set up a public outdoor surgery, where we shall emphatically listen to and fastidiously collect each and every Moan you care to bring us. These Moans will then be returned to the Ministry to be duly processed, filed and fed to our Active Response To Individual Situations Transformation System (A.R.T.I.S.T.S).
The outcome should be a soothing and wondrous live art experience, combining theatre, puppetry, visual art and live and recorded music, to which all citizens who offered up their moans will be invited as VIPs.
Come visit us at the Ministry of Moans. Remember: we’re here to hear!
This project will take place in Spring 2021. So keep checking the Good Stuff in St Leonards socials for when we announce the details.
Ministry of Moans is devised and produced by Reshuffle, a collective of local performers, musicians, visual artists and designers who have come together to question the current political and social structures, as well as the institutional hierarchies in the arts. We believe there are better ways to exist in harmony and express this through multi-disciplinary arts, with the intention of challenging and transforming the status quo.
It is part of Pitch, our public call-out for new creative projects in St Leonards that took place in September 2020.
More information on Pitch 2020
Supported by
Good Stuff in St Leonards, a community-led programme of creative activities and events funded by Creative Civic Change and facilitated by local arts charity Home Live Art
If you have any questions or queries regarding Good Stuff please email
or call 020 3920 9045 and leave a voice message with your name and phone number and we will get back to you as soon as we can,