PAINTING THE PROM is a competition call-out for local artists to design and paint a mural for one of the “suntrap” seating booths on the lower promenade of St Leonards seafront.
Submission is FREE, and every artist selected gets a fee of £300.
This is a unique opportunity for local artists to create a new artwork for the seafront that will engage, surprise and delight those who see it.
To apply, please fill in the online application form before midnight on 31st March 2021
The unique St Leonards “suntrap” booths were built in 1934 by Sidney Little, the Concrete King. Since then, generations of people have sat on the benches, looking out to sea, which has inspired this year’s theme: DAY DREAMING
It’s been a tough twelve months. Perhaps you are dreaming about a better future? Perhaps you are dreaming of being reunited with friends or family? Perhaps you are looking out to sea, drifting into a colourful fantasy world? After a year of many challenges, we offer an opportunity share your dreams with us!
Please Note: this theme is only a starting point. Artists are invited to focus on it as much or as little as they like.
Mural submissions will be chosen by a committee of St Leonards artists, residents and community representatives.
With permission of the artist, submissions will be featured on the PAINTING the PROM 2021 online gallery. In other words, if your work is not selected, it will still be seen!
Deadline: midnight on 31st March 2021
You can enter using the online application form below
To encourage ALL artists to apply, we offer two application pathways:
Pathway 1: Experienced Mural Artists
Done murals before?
If you are experienced in creating and executing large scale artworks, please fill in the online application form above, which will ask for the following details:
- A sketch/ drawing of your design
- A paragraph explaining your idea
- Examples of previous work: link to portfolio / website / socials
- Contact details
Pathway 2: First Time Mural Artist
Never done a mural before?
If you are an artist with no experience in executing large scale artworks, we can provide a “mural specialist” who can spend up to 3 DAYS helping you get your image on the wall.
If this applies to you then please fill in the online application form above, which will ask you for the following details:
- A finished drawing of your design
- A paragraph explaining your idea
- Examples of previous work: link to portfolio / website / socials
- Tell us if you have a local mural artist you would like to work with
- Contact details
• This opportunity is only for artists who live or work in St Leonards or Hastings
• Artists under the age of 18 must have a guardian permission to use their work
If your design is selected, you will receive £300 to execute your mural.
Paint is provided (hard-wearing, water-based exterior emulsion donated by the event sponsor, Brewers Decorator Centres
If you use spray paint, we have budget to accommodate this, please let us know in the application.
Dust-sheets and masking tape will also be provided
Artists will be required to supply their own brushes/nozzles. (please make a note on your application if you will have trouble sourcing brushes)
Submit your design by midnight on 31st March 2021.
You will hear whether you’ve been selected 14th April 2021
There will be a two-week window in May during which all painting will be executed. This will be as-early-as-possible in May (weather dependent)
Unveiling of the finished project: 28th May June 2021
Each mural will be situated in one of the seating booths on the lower promenade, running west of Warrior Square, from Goat Ledge cafe to the first set of steps (level with Grand Designs Antique shop).
Dimension of each booth: 265cm wide x 100/118cm high x 50cm deep"
(please note, the architecture of the top section of the wall has an angle border, which can be worked into the artists design)
An access budget has been made available by Good Stuff in St Leonards for those that may need help with the cost of participating in Painting the Prom. This money can be used for a variety of costs including transport, childcare or to cover the cost of a personal assistant.
Please email with any access requirements you would like to discuss or call 020 3920 9045 and leave a voice message with your name and telephone number and we will get back to you when we can.
At the completion of the project, artists are required to complete a short evaluation. A template/survey document will be provided.
Please email if you have any questions about Painting the Prom.
We expect all artists to work in line with COVID restrictions. Expectations are that dialogues between artists will take place in person, where possible, with social distancing and PPE in place, transferring to Zoom if restrictions prevent face-to-face contact.
Home Live Art has a COVID-19 Infection Control Policy and Protocol which will be used throughout the project and can be provided on request. This is updated regularly in line with changing government restrictions. Risk assessments will be completed before activity.
If required we will put in place a physical barrier (without obstructing access) to ensure that no member of the public comes closer than the two metres during the painting of murals.
PTP is funded by Good Stuff in St Leonards, part of the Creative Civic Change programme supported by Big Lottery Fund, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Local Trust
PTP has also secured funding from Safer St Leonards, a Home Office-funded project, led by the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner.